CV writing guide

CV writing is a skill for life

Writing your CV for the first time or updating your details can be a daunting and a time consuming process. By getting it right the first time around means you have laid the groundwork and structure for future CVs. Here are a few points worth noting before you press the send button on your application.

Skills and experience

Your CV should highlight your skills and experience and have a good layout with clear headings. It is a written testament to your work history and the first representation of you that a prospective employer sees. Ensure it is interesting and sells all your skills you have to offer.

Concise and relevant

Keep it concise and relevant – the basics need to be clear and remove complication. Pages and pages of information is time-consuming for the reader and you may run the risk of boring them. Bullet points are good.

Make it easy to read

Display all of your key points that an employer may need and want to know clearly. Don’t add colour and never write in capitals.

First person

Don’t write in the third person. Equally, avoid the use of ‘I’ and ‘me’ too frequently.


Justify any gaps in employment or training. It is important to build trust using your CV so be honest throughout.

Customise and adapt

Amend your application for each role. Take time to tailor your cover letter and CV specific to each job or company you are applying to. Little tweaks like this will show that you have done your research and highlight relevant skills and experience.

Email address

Don’t let your email address let you down. A name or number combination is far more professional than a silly one you may have set up in 2002.


Check, check and check again; Don’t get rejected outright because of silly spelling or grammatical errors.


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